About Us

Our Story

McCown Family Farms is owned and operated by Ward and Stacy McCown as well as our four kids. We are a Christian centered dairy that believes in producing healthy and fresh dairy products in a sustainable matter. We started this adventure as a 4-H project for one of the kids. The gentleness and love of Jersey cows grew from there, and led to starting our own small dairy.

Ward is a graduate of Texas Tech University with a soil science degree and has grown up around cattle his whole life. He was just natural with being around them.

Myself, Stacy, was not raised with animals, but always dreamed of owning any farm animal I could. I am a nurse practitioner, so after I get home from taking care of others, I get to relax around the cows. They are extremely affectionate and have become part of the family.

We are blessed to have four amazing kids that also help with the farm: Aubrey, Cole, Billy and Cody. Each one helps out on the farm with the daily chores, despite having busy schedules with all of the different extracurricular activities they are involved in. Another big cause we support is Autism Awareness because one of my sons has Autism.

With having the cows, we learned and experienced many benefits of having raw milk. The natural probiotics found in raw milk are very beneficial in overall health and wellness. Being involved in the medical field for over 20 years, I have seen first hand just how important overall health is. That is one of the many reasons we strive to provide the safest, healthiest milk and dairy products that we can. God has blessed our family with this farm and we just want to spread those blessings to others.